Monday, May 10, 2010

Elena Kagan for SCOTUS

Right now I'm watching the President of the United States announce his nominee for the latest opening on the Supreme Court. If Elena Kagan is confirmed, SCOTUS will have 3 women at once for the first time ever. It's a great achievement, even if it's still quite unbalanced, given the actual male/female ratio in the country.

Here's a run down of articles about her if you're not familiar.
Interestingly, Kagan has never been a judge, and this does not disqualify her for the bench. It's also interesting that she is considered a safe pick, while many liberals preferred Diane Wood, who was widely held to be a contentious pick.

The Republicans are actually being very neutral about this pick thus far - amazing since they did not hold back in tearing into Justice Sotomayor as soon as she was announced.  I'm glad they're being nice for now. We'll see how long it lasts...