Monday, September 7, 2009

Healthcare Reform 101

For any number of reasons, you may find yourself ready to engage in the discourse on healthcare reform, but at a loss of where to begin. Below, I have assembled my favorite links to get you started. It’s worth mentioning that I am in favor of healthcare reform. It is likely you will find that some of these links reflect that bias.

Chris Hayes of the Nation gives a brief overview of the public option as one small aspect of reform (approx 5 min.); Robert Reich does the same thing, even quicker (approx 3 min):

Wendell Potter, former Vice President of public relations for insurance giant Cigna, blows the whistle with Bill Moyers of PBS (approx 30 min.):

President Obama took questions from supporters and skeptics alike during town hall meetings focused on health care reform. C-Span has them in full. They are about an hour each:

Opponents of healthcare reform try to compare the U.S. to other countries. Nobel Prize economist Paul Krugman sets the record straight in the New York Times:

Rather than rely on everyone else’s explanation, go to the source. Here’s the full text of the health care bill proposed by the U.S. House of Representatives. It’s over 1000 pages, but start with the table of contents to clarify the most common myths:

There are many misleading and even false claims about aspects of the bill. Here is a list of the most common along with clarifications.

Michael Moore produced a movie about the state of healthcare in the United States. Watch it online for free:

Rachel Maddow does a great job distinguishing the facts from the fiction on healthcare. Other notable public figures: Howard Dean and Anthony Weiner. When time permits I’ll post collections of links featuring them. In the meantime, visit Rachel’s site:


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