Friday, September 18, 2009

Well Deserved SMACK DOWN!

I was recently a tad heated with a friend of mine who engaged me in a discussion about something on Fox news.

In case you don't know, I don't believe in Fox news.

At all.

I have seen a few too many over the top, bald-face, blatant lies, coupled with irresponsible rhetoric. I'm not a fan of the entertainment/commentary slant most cable news takes now, but there's a market for it, and so be it {Rachel Maddow is the notable exception. She's fantastic.}. That said, lies and distortions are simply not the same thing as a left- or right-leaning slant to the news. They are lies and distortions. Period.

Why anyone would continue to support a network who makes no effort to be "fair and balanced" as claimed, and instead resorts to all out lies, is beyond me.

Apparently the folks on the other networks are getting sick of the Fox crap too. CNN's Rick Sanchez delivers a well-deserved smack down below (and I am no fan of CNN or Rick). This is truly must see TV:

h/t: karoli

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